Novels Narrated by Grace Grant

Featured Novel
I really loved narrating this book, it has so many of my favorite things.......
Brits, dogs, Cinderella makeovers, and smart, funny women.
Ashley Jordan set out to hike the Appalachian Trail with the hope of finding herself along the way. But one dark night Fate, and a dog called Hope, crossed her path. From that moment on, Ash rides a wild rollercoaster that takes her from the dangerous backwoods to the royal heights of English society. Ash must tangle with a one-eyed monster, an ostentatious Duchess, and her own sense of self, as she strives to fight for abused animals everywhere. And through it all one man steals her heart and makes her question all she knows: Will Kensington, or more accurately, Sir Willoughby Alfred Lawrence Kensington the Third, The 23rd Baron of Whiteshire.
The Baron turns Ash’s world upside down as she is forced to wrestle with her modern sensibility caught inside a fairytale love. Will and Ash’s lives are an ocean apart, in more ways than one. And even as their love grows, their radically different worlds threaten to tear them apart. Ash and Will must find a way to come together and fight for what they truly care about, love, family, and Hope.
One thing's for sure…Love’s a bitch.